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Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Banner1final

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Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Banner1final

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    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    [Forum] Marechal
    [Forum] Marechal

    Idade : 41
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    PSN ID : ruidguima

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por mitrense Qui 02 Ago 2012, 20:26

    ...Collection 4: Final Assault and August Elite Content Drops Dated

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Decommission1-618x347

    More Call of Duty content incoming as Activision has announced the two final collection packs making their way to Modern Warfare 3 in the next couple of months. Collection 3: Chaos Pack will be hitting the Xbox 360 first on August 9 while Collection 4: Final Assault will be dropping on September 6.

    Activision recently issued a press release describing what each collection packs in:

    Call of Duty: MW3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Collection3-600x337

    “Offers extensive solo and co-op gameplay for the Special Ops enthusiast, featuring four brand new Special Ops Missions — Vertigo, Arctic Recon, Light ‘Em Up and Special Delivery — and FACE OFF maps — Vortex, U-Turn and Intersection. Introducing a new way to play Call of Duty®, Special Ops Chaos Mode delivers a frenetic form of combat that demands players to outlast waves of enemies, while chaining kills on maps littered in power-ups to achieve the highest possible score on fan-favorite multiplayer maps Resistance, Village, Underground and Dome.”

    Call of Duty: MW3 Collection 4: Final Assault

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Collection4-600x335

    “Tailored toward hardcore multiplayer fans, and features five all-new multiplayer maps. ‘Gulch’ sends combatants into a forgotten mining town with mine shafts and equipment sheds for cover. In ‘Boardwalk,’ fun in the sun on the Jersey Shore means facing enemies on the beach. ’Offshore’ and ‘Decommission’ will test players’ sea legs on deadly oceanic oilrigs and among a maze of rotting ocean liners respectively. Rounding out the collection is a trip to the French Quarter in a war-torn New Orleans, where ‘Parish’ pits players against one another amidst the city’s rubble.”

    Each collection will be released first on the Xbox Live Marketplace for 1,200 Microsoft Points, or $14.99. Naturally, the content in each collection will be made available to Xbox 360 Premium Elite members earlier with this months content drops, including the Special Ops missions Light ‘Em Up and Special Delivery along with the new Special Ops Chaos Mode, set to be released August 7, according to the official website.

    Update: The final Premium Elite content drops, including multiplayer maps Gulch, Boardwalk and Parish, are now scheduled to hit the Xbox 360 on September 5.

    Check out these brand new images and descriptions of the new game mode Special Ops Chaos as well as Modern Warfare 3′s Collection 4: Final Assault below (click for larger size).

    Special Ops Chaos Mode

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Special_Ops_Chaos_Mode-600x337

    “A whole new way to play Call of Duty®, Special Ops Chaos mode delivers the ultimate in arcade mayhem. Experience truly heart-pounding and adrenaline-fueled action while competing for high scores in Resistance, Village, Underground and Dome. Chain kills together against a never-ending onslaught of enemies to increase your combo multiplier and earn performance-enhancing perks. Choose your route through each map to optimize weapon pickups, attack, and escape options. Play solo, split screen or online with a friend to take out as many enemies as possible before they take you down or the clock hits zero.”


    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Decommission-600x337

    “A nautical graveyard gives birth to a sprawling shantytown in ‘Decommission,’ a mid-sized multiplayer map populated with chokepoints and fortifications.”

    Off Shore

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Off_shore-600x337

    “An off shore oil rig spreads combat across three platforms in ‘Off Shore,’ leading to skirmishes at every turn. Multiple interconnecting bridges, cramped indoor locations and frequent stairwells constantly challenge navigation throughout.”


    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Gulch-600x337

    “Decades after fires charred this forgotten mining town, the red rock canyon gains new shades of red in ‘Gulch,’ where the surrounding mountains, mine shafts and equipment sheds craft a perfect setting for high-tension combat.”

    Board Walk

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Boardwalk-600x337

    “Head to the Jersey Coast for a sunny afternoon in ‘Boardwalk,’ where you’ll face your enemies on the beach and fight for dominance at the arcade while still finding time to cut the line at the rollercoaster.”


    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Parish-600x337

    “Wishful thinking won’t keep you safe in New Orleans’ war-torn French Quarter in ‘Parish,’ where a local bombed-out church plays host to close-quarters combat amidst the city’s rubble.”

    Sub-Lider de equipa

    Idade : 43
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    Data de inscrição : 14/09/2008
    PSN ID : ONIL80

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por ONIL80 Qui 02 Ago 2012, 20:38

    e o shippment nem velo... Mad
    [Forum] Coronel
    [Forum] Coronel

    Idade : 37
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    Data de inscrição : 15/08/2011
    PSN ID : cascan1, sempre_acordado
    GamerTag : cascan12

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por cascan1 Qui 02 Ago 2012, 20:45

    se queres jogar o shippment vais ao cod4...
    Sub-Lider de equipa

    Idade : 43
    Localização : PORTO
    Data de inscrição : 14/09/2008
    PSN ID : ONIL80

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por ONIL80 Qui 02 Ago 2012, 21:34

    o call 4 nao é copy paste como o mw2 e mw3 tongue
    [Forum] Capitão
    [Forum] Capitão

    Idade : 37
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    Data de inscrição : 09/09/2011
    GamerTag : TMEIRA

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por T-MEIRA Sex 03 Ago 2012, 01:52

    ONIL80 escreveu:o call 4 nao é copy paste como o mw2 e mw3 tongue

    logo, se queres shipment mete o cd do COD4 Laughing
    Sub-Lider de equipa

    Idade : 43
    Localização : PORTO
    Data de inscrição : 14/09/2008
    PSN ID : ONIL80

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por ONIL80 Sex 03 Ago 2012, 20:32

    T-MEIRA escreveu:
    ONIL80 escreveu:o call 4 nao é copy paste como o mw2 e mw3 tongue

    logo, se queres shipment mete o cd do COD4 Laughing
    Utilizador assiduo Forum
    Utilizador assiduo Forum

    Idade : 25
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    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por josesoares Sex 03 Ago 2012, 21:22

    Olhem eu tava a jgr kc 6 vs 6 , de repente a outra team saiu toda exepto 1 , depois entra um montao de gajos , k veem pa minha equipa e transforma se numa GW , ja vos aconteceu?
    [Forum] Coronel
    [Forum] Coronel

    Idade : 37
    Localização : LISBOA
    Data de inscrição : 15/08/2011
    PSN ID : cascan1, sempre_acordado
    GamerTag : cascan12

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por cascan1 Ter 07 Ago 2012, 22:47

    o que já aconteceu foi jogar 7 contra 5...
    [Forum] Marechal
    [Forum] Marechal

    Idade : 41
    Localização : Porto
    Data de inscrição : 09/04/2011
    PSN ID : ruidguima

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por mitrense Qua 05 Set 2012, 11:35

    [Forum] Coronel
    [Forum] Coronel

    Idade : 28
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    Data de inscrição : 16/02/2010
    PSN ID : reis_27

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por reis_27 Qua 05 Set 2012, 11:43

    Parece intressante xD
    [Forum] Coronel
    [Forum] Coronel

    Idade : 37
    Localização : LISBOA
    Data de inscrição : 15/08/2011
    PSN ID : cascan1, sempre_acordado
    GamerTag : cascan12

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por cascan1 Qua 05 Set 2012, 12:12

    modo survival vai ficar como os zombies? mais que 2 jogadores isso agrada-me bastante... hehe
    Utilizador especial Forum
    Utilizador especial Forum

    Idade : 30
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    XX_CorTex5_XX (BF3)

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por FioRget Qua 05 Set 2012, 12:26

    Já sabem quando vai sair o chaos pack na ps3???
    [Forum] Marechal
    [Forum] Marechal

    Idade : 41
    Localização : Porto
    Data de inscrição : 09/04/2011
    PSN ID : ruidguima

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por mitrense Qua 05 Set 2012, 12:32

    FioRget escreveu:Já sabem quando vai sair o chaos pack na ps3???

    13 de setembro ps3\pc e dia 6 para o(s) Xbox"ers"!
    Utilizador especial Forum
    Utilizador especial Forum

    Idade : 30
    Localização : Braga, Fafe
    Data de inscrição : 12/07/2012
    PSN ID : nicolas1388
    XX_CorTex5_XX (BF3)

    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

    Mensagem por FioRget Qua 05 Set 2012, 12:35

    mitrense escreveu:
    FioRget escreveu:Já sabem quando vai sair o chaos pack na ps3???

    13 de setembro ps3\pc e dia 6 para o(s) Xbox"ers"!

    ah ok! Obrigado Smile

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    Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack... Empty Re: Modern Warfare 3 Collection 3: Chaos Pack...

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